Tuesday, February 19, 2008


In my very first blog post, I likened myself to Ernest Shackleton, famed Antarctic explorer. Fate seems to be punishing me for the audacity of the comparison: now, like Shackleton himself, I am trapped on the ice. It took him over a year to reach civilization--hopefully it will take me somewhat less. (Lest my loved ones be overly worried, things aren't quite so dire: storms have simply cancelled our flight home for the past two days, so we're stuck with little to do and nary a change of clothes.)

But there's silver lining: tonight we'll witness the very first sunset of the year. (Until now the sun was up 24/7.) This, my first and perhaps only night in Antarctica, will last under 2 hours and be entirely "civil twilight."

Almost-sunset earlier this week:

With ever-increasing cabin fever,

1 comment:

Barb said...

Heard from Dave that you made it to Christchurch and have quite the hankering for the color green. You certainly made the most of your stay at the south pole. Enjoy your tramp in New Zealand.